
Showing posts from March, 2021

Papercraft Final Object

I had designed a lip for the vase but ran out of paper in the color I had used for the vase panels and it was easier to position my leaves with the vase open. I trialed it over the lip of the vase before I put the panels together.   

Papercraft First Prototype

Here is my finished prototype:  Making my first prototype was a big learning experience. When I was putting the panels of my vase together I thought that starting by attaching them in sets of two and then end with four panels and six panels together for the final attachment would work best but this was not the case. Trying to smooth the tabs down against the adjacent panel of side four and side six was tedious and difficult so now I know for next time I'm better off gluing together a six side panel, a three side panel, and leave the final one out to be attached last.  I did like how round the vase was at this stage and then later when I was reworking the lip of the vase in rhino I figured out why it elongated. The outer right panel is the original sizing panel for my vase. I forgot that I had elongated the panel to fit the page before I had printed out my prototypes last weekend. I think it still works, especially because in ceramics warping can happen at any stage of the proc...

Papercraft Printed Templates

My obsession with plants was fueled by being stuck at home all the time. Having my plants to take care of helped me get through the last year of covid, and I love watching them grow. On the flip side, I feel extremely detached from my art practice because I haven't been able to work with clay for an entire year now. This is the longest I've gone without touching clay since I was introduced to ceramics in 2016. I chose to make a monstera leaf and a vase for this project to combine these two realities that have influenced my mental health during covid. Using rhino to create a vase was comforting and I'm looking forward to bringing it to life in 3D with paper. My monstera leaf has overlapping tabs so to rectify that I'm going to cut out two leaves and do opposite cuts so I have every tab necessary to put it together. I plan to attach pipe cleaners to the built paper leaves as stems and this will allow me to display them in the vase.  I know there's overlap with the out...