Remix Objects Assignment
My understanding of remix culture is thoughtful and/or random juxtaposition of objects in a composition. For my mashup compositions I chose to do a bit of both but was predominantly thoughtful in what I was creating for each one.
This mashup was inspired by my period this past week that was excruciatingly painful. I spent the evening fantasizing about getting a hysterectomy while working on this mashup.2. Conquer Da Virus
I was thinking about COVID when I was working on this mashup but wanted to spin it a little differently by choosing an entirely different virus for my astronaut to conquer. This particular virus model that I found on Thingiverse is called the Simian virus. I chose an astronaut because new viruses can be uncharted territory for science, and the globe will see more pandemics as humans and animals are more and more in contact as a result of deforestation, poverty, and climate change.
Links:3. Trapped in the Future
I was first intrigued by the Thingiverse title for the female statue as "Cemetery Statue." From there I found a swirly light bulb sculpture and decided on creating a futuristic floating representation of patriarchy.4. Bonne Monge les Dents
We use our teeth to eat, talk, smile, and these are all very important aspects of the human experience. So what happens when you have to eat your teeth? Title was inspired by a meme that says "Bone Apple Teeth." The plate is a "Flower of Life" design that I chose just for it's visual appeal. Links:5. Ringing Flowers
The flower part of this mashup is an inner ear organ called the cochlea. It's a pretty interesting tiny organ that allows humans to hear the world around us. Our hearing is incredibly fragile, the tiny cilia hairs inside our cochlea are easily damaged and this is unfortunately permanent. This damage causes sporadic and/or 24/7 ringing in the ears and how strong this ringing is depends on the severity of the hearing damage. This condition is called tinnitus, something that I've had for over a year and a half now. I chose to turn the cochlea into a flower for this mash up to bring some light to tinnitus given that it can be a debilitating condition. The vase design was chosen for visual appeal and it's similarity to the waves of cilia hairs.6. Bacteriophage Invasion
T4 Bacteriophage are a super interesting virus that has an elaborately evolved process to infect a host cell and looks like it's out of an alien movie. If T4's were street light sized, or larger in this case, they would be terrifying. That's where my inspiration came from to create a mashup with a floating island and create a mini "Godzilla"-esque scene but with the T4 virus.Links:7. Mana-Tea
This mashup is just a funny play on words with nothing deep going on. I mixed a hollow head Frankenstein bust with a splash model and a super cute relaxing manatee. I envision a spooky powerful witch lady drinking her tea like this but I also think of a happy manatee relaxing in a Frankenstein bust pool of water. Links:8. Clit Crown Abstracto Sculpturo
I found an abstract swirly sculpture on Thingiverse that I thought gave strong crown vibes so I mashed that with multiples of an anatomical structure of a clitoris to create a Clit Crown. The clitoris is the only organ in the female body with the sole purpose of pleasure and that's pretty damn powerful and now there's a crown/abstracto sculpturo to commemorate that.9. Brain SCRUBBER!!!
By this point you can guess that I'm a huge anatomy/physiology nerd. This mashup reflects what I feel my brain needs when the end of semester arrives, which is a long brain scrubbing to reset.10. Pinky Temple
This mashup is two organs, a humerus bone, and a pretty baller plant pot structure. I chose to float them in pink goo as an opposition of the colors of the insides of the human body. Organ and bone choice was mostly random apart that picked them to fit into the specific parts of the structure base.
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