3D Hollow Form Object Hybrid Project
Here are my seven original objects I came up with for concept generation:
My partner for this project is Ben Ewacha. For my contribution to the hybrid I chose to work with the swirling vase design I came up with the week prior. I had done a bunch of variations the vase by playing around with the loft style and here is what I had come up with:
Together Ben and I chose to work with the vase to the left of the middle.
Here are two of Ben's design inspo from his own objects:
From here we did some brainstorming and we were both interested in creating a cage like structure that would swirl in the opposite direction around the vase. I did some preliminary sketches on my white board:
Here is where we got to in Rhino:
1. is the first cage/lattice design
2. was the first hybrid idea put together
3. is the first shape change for the cage/lattice because I thought it would look better attached to the surface of the vase
4. is what the updated cage/lattice looked like on it's own
5. is the vase and cage/lattice put together again without a base
A. are the vase stretched out to fit the size parameters and then brought back down to fit the cage/lattice structure into the box seen in 5
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