Mesh Mixer Assignment
During the speed dating critiques, my partners expressed interest in my virus conquering astronaut but I wasn't attached to the design and felt there was more to work with in my clit crown/abstracto sculpturo design. My inspiration for my refined version of this object was shrine concepts from a Zelda video game. The shrines are particularly interesting because of the dynamic structural designs. Shrines in the real world have powerful connotations and I wanted to emphasize the fantastical power of my objects with the floating glossy chrome labia above the clit shrine. I played around with the sculpting tool and the paintbrush to add texture and visual depth to the rock base and water pool. I used Tinkercad to reshape the backing of the labia and have a more elongated gemstone look to it. I gave the structural base a wet rock look and I placed the structure in a body of water because I envision this clit shrine being incredibly difficult to reach by boat with beautiful and vicious ...